Data Science

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Course from BITDEGREE
Robotic Process Automation is a process to replace the human effort by bots to do repetitive and mundane tasks.
Robotic Process Automation is a process to replace the human effort by bots to do repetitive and mundane tasks.
Course from BITDEGREE
Accuracy in model development is the most important and also tedious job in building any machine learing model that is the reason we have highly focused on acheiving high accuracy and we have spent a lot of time in learning to make our model highl...
Accuracy in model development is the most important and also tedious job in building any machine learing model that is the reason we have highly fo...
Course from BITDEGREE
Implementation in Python is done in such a way so that not only you learn how to implement a specific Model in Python but you learn how to build real times templates and find the accuracy rate of Models so that you can easily test different models...
Implementation in Python is done in such a way so that not only you learn how to implement a specific Model in Python but you learn how to build re...
Course from BITDEGREE
5 Enrolled
Easy to follow and the examples show how powerful python can be for the beginner all the way to the advanced.
5 Enrolled
Easy to follow and the examples show how powerful python can be for the beginner all the way to the advanced.
Course from BITDEGREE
WELCOME to the StrategyQuant Crash Course a specific and focused program of training on how we created the FX-43 robust trading strategy using StrategyQuant software.
per course
WELCOME to the StrategyQuant Crash Course a specific and focused program of training on how we created the FX-43 robust trading strategy using Stra...
Course from BITDEGREE
5 Enrolled
In this introduction to machine learning, you will learn many techniques and terms that are related to the education of machines.
5 Enrolled
In this introduction to machine learning, you will learn many techniques and terms that are related to the education of machines.
Course from BITDEGREE
7 Enrolled
Building decision trees in Python: what you’ll learn We will start the course by getting familiar with the fundamentals of machine learning.
7 Enrolled
Building decision trees in Python: what you’ll learn We will start the course by getting familiar with the fundamentals of machine learning.
Course from BITDEGREE
3 Enrolled
Additionally, before starting the regression analysis in Python, I will go over the types of data and statistics, describing data graphically, measures of centers, and measures of dispersion.
3 Enrolled
Additionally, before starting the regression analysis in Python, I will go over the types of data and statistics, describing data graphically, meas...
Course from BITDEGREE
2 Enrolled
You’ll build heart attack and diabetes prediction projects with Apache Spark machine learning.
2 Enrolled
You’ll build heart attack and diabetes prediction projects with Apache Spark machine learning.
Course from BITDEGREE
1 Enrolled
To learn Apache Spark, you need to be introduced to the basic principles of this engine.
1 Enrolled
To learn Apache Spark, you need to be introduced to the basic principles of this engine.
Course from BITDEGREE
1 Enrolled
How to prepare the data for processing; How to use Databricks platform with Apache Spark machine learning; What’s the basic flow of data in Apache Spark to work on a machine learning project; How to use Databricks notebook on a free community edit...
1 Enrolled
How to prepare the data for processing; How to use Databricks platform with Apache Spark machine learning; What’s the basic flow of data in Apache ...
Course from BITDEGREE
Your end result of learning how to use Spark in this tutorial is going to be implementing the employee attrition prediction machine learning (ML) model.
Your end result of learning how to use Spark in this tutorial is going to be implementing the employee attrition prediction machine learning (ML) m...