4 1 reviews on BitDegree

Web Development Training: Start Your Career as a Front End Developer

Take this web development training to learn everything from the web basics to how to make a website with HTML
Course from BitDegree
18 students enrolled
Web basics
Fundamentals of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap
How to make a website with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap
How to build websites like tutorials site, blogging site, personal website, product landing, and others

Have you always wanted to learn web development and start your professional career? You’re one step away from getting started! This web development training is going to equip you with all the necessary fundamentals. Starting from the very basics, you’ll learn the key elements that a web developer should know. Web basics, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap - you’ll learn all  in one course. How much experience should I have to follow this course, you might ask? Well, this training is designed for absolute beginners, so you don’t need to have any previous experience. Willingness to learn is everything that you need to start this course!

How is this web development training different from the vast majority of others?

First of all, this course is created to teach you everything from the beginning. You can know how to use HTML or CSS, but if you aren't familiar with the web basics, it’ll be difficult to understand how to make a website properly. That’s why this web development training covers the web basics section at first. 

Secondly, this web development for beginners course contains the key elements that you should need to know to start the front end developer career. The best part of it, you don’t need to search for separate courses on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap. All of that you can learn here, in a single course. 

What will you learn in this course?

The main goal of this web development course is to teach how to make a website with HTML, CSS, JavaScript or Bootstrap. In this course, you’ll find not only theory but also lots of examples, exercises, and simple projects that will help you to get things clearer. Let’s look at what you’ll get in this training:

  • Basics of HTML5 (tag, element, structure of HTML page, and more)
  • Intermediate HTML5 (how to create tables, how to embed contents like images, video, and audio into HTML page, and more)
  • Basics of CSS3 (how CSS precedence work, how to do coloring on your website, how to debug CSS and more)
  • Intermediate CSS3 (how to create a box, how to import Google fonts, how to create a website layout, and more)
  • HTML5 + CSS3 Projects (how to create and design a simple HTML page layout, how to make a website with HTML and CSS, and more) 
  • Basics of JavaScript (how to write comments in JavaScript, how to debug JavaScript code, and more)
  • Intermediate JavaScript (how to write functions, deal with objects, create events, and more)
  • Bootstrap fundamentals (how to use Bootstrap and how to make a website with it)

You’ll be able to apply all the concepts that you learn in this web development training with ease. Feel free to check the free preview video of this course if you want to know more before buying. 

Web development for beginners - your chance to start a career!

This web development training is a good example that you don't need to buy a lot of courses and spend lots of money to learn web development. Everything you need to know is here, in this one course. Enroll now and start building your career as a front end developer!

$ 14.99
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