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3D Procedural Mesh Generation Fundamentals in Unity

Learn how to make 3D assets with code, and make a racing game with infinite tracks!
Course from Udemy
 660 students enrolled
Create 3D procedural models and levels in Unity 3D
Create a racing game with infinite different race tracks

Have you ever looked at 3D proceduraly generated games , and wondered, how do they do that?

In this course we cover the fundamentals of creating procedural 3D mesh data going from how basic shapes are made, creating simple landscapes with Perlin Noise, all the way up to creating a race track generator!

  • What makes up a 3D model in Unity
  • Creating a helper class to easy a lot of the tricky parts of making a mesh
  • Creating some basic primitives with additional things we can control
  • Make a simple landscape with perlin noise.
  • Extrude shapes along a path
  • Create a simple racing game with proceduraly generated tracks!

This course is designed for people who are comfortable with Unity, and want to leverage procedural generation to take their games to the next level!

3D Procedural Mesh Generation Fundamentals in Unity
$ 49.99
per course
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