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Understanding the Australian Health Care System

Understand and navigate the complexities of Australia’s world-leading health care system by following patient journeys.
Course from edX
 0 students enrolled
This course will enable you to understand the workings of the Australian health care system. By following in the footsteps of patient journeys, you will gain an experiential understanding of how this multi-layered system operates in the context of the geographic, social and cultural landscapes of Australia and how to successfully navigate within this system. This course will enable you to answer questions such as: Why are there multiple layers within this health care system? What are these layers and how are they funded? What is the role of insurance in this system? How are medicines regulated and made available in Australia? What services and roles are available in the Australian health care system? How can I facilitate patient journeys through the Australian health care system? You will engage in many activities throughout this course to explore these and other questions.
Understanding the Australian Health Care System
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