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The Best 12 Week Step-By-Step Program To Transform Your Health & Easily Reach Your Ideal Weight
Course from Udemy
 8 students enrolled
The only right way to health and lasting weight loss for good
Easily overcome any obstacles on the way to achieving lasting health and natural weight loss
Reduce cravings and ensure your body is getting all it needs in terms of nutrients through food and supplements

I understand that you have probably been searching online for a program that will help you reach optimal health and weight.

And I understand that with so many options available, you are confused about which one to choose.

And I understand that you probably want to start right ahead and get the best for yourself.

Well, you have come to the right place!

The Guerrilla diet is the ideal diet for human consumption. A health plan that has been shown to reverse disease. This program will help you easily lose weight and achieve the health you have been dreaming of. The Guerrilla Diet is based on facts that go back to our roots and consider all of the human genetic and anatomical changes that have taken place in our bodies, as well as the advances in medical science throughout the last few centuries.

Know I know it isn't easy to choose between options for a health program, And I know that you may be wondering who exactly I am as the teacher guiding you on this program. Well, My name is Dr. Galit Goldfarb. I am a clinical nutritionist, scientist, life coach, author, and wellness advocate. I have created this program from the wealth of my knowledge gained from 4 university degrees, many alternative health diplomas and personal experience of overcoming weight issues, addiction to food, cancer, acne, and alopecia as well as helping my daughters, family members and countless clients in my 26-year practice heal from different diseases and disorders.

I have the answers you are looking for, and they are in this program.

Now you may be wondering if this program is easy to follow. Well, it is.

The program provides you with step-by-step guidance towards creating the perfect health and body you are dreaming of, no matter what your age or current health condition.

This program is based on accurate, unbiased information.

You will get over the food addictions and support your body in the best possible way from this moment on.

You receive clear, easy-to-follow instructions weekly to gradually help change your lifestyle habits while ensuring that these changes continue with you over the long term and become automatic. You will also get recipes and a monthly day by day plan for wellness. You'll also get supplement recommendations that will help you curb appetite and burn excess fat even when you're asleep.

By the end of the program, you will know the simple keys to healthy living while also identifying the keys to reducing all of your excess weight efficiently and keeping it off for good. You will learn how to overcome obstacles to achieve optimum health and overcome diseases easily.

The ideal student for this program is anyone who wants to help themselves and/or someone dear to them to achieve optimal health. It's time not to let doctors or the media influence your choices for their personal monetary interest or lack of knowledge.

There are no prerequisites to register. Only to have made the decision that you are ready to take care of your health starting today.

I look forward to seeing you inside the program.

Please do not wait for it to be too late, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Start now.

$ 94.99
per course
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