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The Complete T-SQL Tutorial: a Must for Every Microsoft SQL Server Developer

Learn both basics and advanced features of T-SQL programming step by step with an extensive course!
Course from BitDegree
 4 students enrolled
What a relational database is
How to create databases and tables
How to use basic T-SQL commands and joins
What the T-SQL’s basic and advanced functionalities are

In a world where data is an extremely prized possession, it is crucial to know how to manage it. Drawing tables in a paper notebook and writing numbers down by hand can only get you so far. No modern business will achieve much without using virtual databases.

In this T-SQL tutorial, I will teach you how to work with the Microsoft SQL Server database management system. Transact SQL, also known as T-SQL, plays a critical role it using this system, so I will guide you through every concept and component of this query language. In just over seven hours that you will spend learning Transact SQL, you will find out everything you need to start creating and managing your own databases in Microsoft SQL Server.

What is a relational database, and why do you need a T-SQL tutorial to work with them?

While there are multiple types of databases, relational ones (such as MySQL and Oracle) are the most commonly used. They are easy to handle because of their clear structure of columns and rows. Every column defines a data type, and each row represents a separate data record. Typically, you would be using SQL (Structured Query Language) for this kind of work.

However, if you decide to use Microsoft SQL Server, you will need to get the gist of T-SQL programming. As you will see in this T-SQL tutorial, it is basically upgraded SQL: it has all the same basics, plus some extensions that allow you to use extra features, including but not limited to row processing or exception and error handling. Learning Transact SQL is a must for every aspiring database developer or administrator, as well as data analysts, report developers, and even web developers.

The Transact SQL tutorial that has it all

My T-SQL tutorial consists of more than seven hours of useful video lectures. During them, we will discuss all the fundamentals of T-SQL programming, including:

  • How to create tables in a relational databases
  • How to add, update, and remove data
  • What the basic commands are and how to use them
  • What joins are and when they are needed
  • What do primary and foreign keys represent
  • How to work with schemas and subqueries
  • What the available data types are and how they differ
  • and so much more!

Next to the video lectures, the Transact SQL tutorial will also include text files. In them, you will find practice activities and demonstrations scripts. After all, the theory is worth nothing if you don’t know how to use it in practice, right?

When I first started learning Transact SQL, I had to use many different sources and do a ton of experimenting to understand each and every feature. That’s why now, having over a decade of experience in working with databases and six Microsoft certifications (including Microsoft Certified Solution Expert Data Management and Analytics and Microsoft Certified Solution Expert Business Intelligence), I have done my best to make this T-SQL tutorial as complete, useful and beginner-friendly as possible. Start learning today, and get ready to jump-start your career!

The Complete T-SQL Tutorial: a Must for Every Microsoft SQL Server Developer
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