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Real-time Credit card Fraud Detection using Spark 2.2

Real time Credit card Fraud detection using Spark Streaming, Spark ML, Kafka, Cassandra and Airflow
Course from Udemy
 2501 students enrolled
Students will be able to build End to End Big data project using Spark, Kafka, Cassandra, Scala and Java

Real-time Credit card Fraud Detection is implemented using Spark Kafka and Cassandra.

Spark ML Pipeline Stages like String Indexer, One Hot Encoder and Vector Assembler is used for Pre-processing

Machine Learning model is created using the Random Forest Algorithm

Data balancing is done using K-means Algorithm

Integration of Spark Streaming Job with Kafka and Cassandra

Exactly-once semantics is achieved using Spark Streaming custom offset management

Airflow Automation framework is used to automate Spark Jobs on Spark Standalone Cluster.

Real-time Credit card Fraud Detection using Spark 2.2
$ 24.99
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