Not happy with a basic blog structure offered by popular blog-creating websites? Want to build your blog from scratch and be the one who decides where each and every pixel goes? Take matters into your own hands by following this simple PHP blog tutorial now! In ten simple lectures, you will learn how to code a blog from scratch.
The freedom you get also means you will not be limited to creating a PHP blog in the most basic sense of the word. You will learn to use a simple PHP file at a database, write your queries, and get the data you need. After taking this PHP blog tutorial, the world (or more likely the Internet) is your oyster! Learning to create a blog with Bootstrap will help you manipulate the tricks of design, and PHP will help create breathtaking functionalities for your first-ever blog. What else could you need?
In this PHP blog tutorial, you will work with everything your blog requires, starting with the huge building blocks (posts, menus, and images) and finishing with the smallest details that still need polishing, such as metadata and the copyright notice. As you create a blog with Bootstrap and PHP, we will guide your every step, explaining the most crucial concepts, functions, and classes.
Do you have a wild imagination and lots to tell the world, but worry about not having enough coding experience and knowledge on how to code a blog from scratch? Leave that to us – we will provide you with the firmest ground to take your first steps in this exciting journey.
In this PHP blog tutorial, you will be presented with three almost-ready-to-use files. With our guidance, you will first read, analyze, and understand them. And then, you will be able to fill in the gaps without breaking a sweat. Of course, if you do have a little knowledge in HTML, PHP, and Bootstrap 4, it will help a great deal – but that doesn't mean you won't be able to learn something new in this simple yet useful course. After all, knowledge equals power.
What can be better than learning useful concepts by following simple interactive examples? As you learn to work with databases, create a blog with Bootstrap, and use PHP functions, you will be able to use those skills in a wide variety of projects. While a PHP blog might be a start, it by no means has to be the limit!
Put your feet (or, rather, your cursor) on this stepping stone. Start the exciting journey of learning how to code a blog from scratch by completing the BitDegree PHP blog tutorial we carefully created to provide you with a fun but advantageous experience. And while it's never too late to learn, think of all the experiments that await you and your new knowledge – you'll get there sooner if you start right now!