4.8  162 reviews on Udemy

Impressionism - Paint this Farmhouse with Oils or Acrylics

Learn Impressionism techniques by creating this Farm Countryside painting. For total beginner through advanced painters.
Course from Udemy
 1355 students enrolled
Create an entire painting in one sitting
Understand Impressionism and why it is so powerful
Understand how light works to make things look the way they do, and how to translate that into your paintings
Understand the concepts of Drawing, Values, Color, and Edges
Learn the value of brushwork. So much can be said with so few brushstrokes.
Apply all of these concepts to let your own personal style develop

Impressionist painting with a focus on light. Bring a luminous quality to your paintings you’ve never thought possible. Learn how to build a painting in one sitting, “alla prima”, and how to savor interesting brushwork. You will also learn the invaluable concepts of drawing, value, color, and edges. Use these methods and knowledge to start your painting off right if you're a total beginner, or to take your painting style to the next level if you're more experienced. You’ve never painted like this before. You can paint along with me during this entire course. I even have a camera angle that shows my palette as I'm mixing colors. You will learn crucial painting techniques in the process of creating a beautiful painting. Or feel free to just sit back and enjoy the show as I create a painting from scratch.

DOWNLOADABLE MATERIALS: I provide the reference photo I'm using for the painting, and an image of my finished painting for you to analyze. Also a materials list: you're free to use your own style of materials of course, but I'll list every single thing I use. This course is partial toward using oil paint, and I highly recommend it, however you can use acrylics also. Many of the concepts I discuss in this course apply to all mediums of art. So take this course if you're ready to improve your painting with methods you've probably never seen before, and will have you thinking about painting in a new way. For all levels of painters.

Impressionism - Paint this Farmhouse with Oils or Acrylics
$ 39.99
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