Procrastination: I am sure you are well-aware of this word and its meaning. Procrastination lives inside all of us, that little voice in our head, saying that we can ditch the assignment for a while since its due next month. However, days turn to weeks, and you might end up doing your project right before the deadline. At that moment, you think that you will never procrastinate again, but the vicious circle repeats itself every time. In fact, overcoming procrastination is a challenge, as people tend to put things off until the last minute.
In this course on how to beat procrastination, I will focus on the negative effects that procrastination has on your life. For instance, you might experience unnecessary stress because of the deadlines trying to bite your head off. How could you avoid this? Simply start your projects earlier, not two-days before giving in a 20-page report. The purpose of this productivity course is to help you change your life for the better: overcoming procrastination is the key to becoming a less stressed, productive, and happy person.
Of course, you cannot swing a magic wand and stop putting off things. It would be great if we would have this option. However, overcoming procrastination requires some determination and resistance against distractions and bad habits. It is not too long before procrastination becomes a part of your lifestyle, meaning that you delay doing things almost every time.
The following tips are for overcoming procrastination. To find out more, join me in this course, and we will beat the procrastination monster together, as a team.
In this productivity course, I will provide you with a guide on how to deal with procrastination and manage your tasks more efficiently. For instance, I will talk about journaling as a powerful weapon against procrastination. No, it is not like keeping a diary. I will provide arguments on why journaling is a perfect option for becoming more focused and productive.
Additionally, distractions are an important factor when learning how to deal with procrastination. Social media, although fun and engaging, is probably the biggest enemy of productivity. You might occasionally stop your work just to check the newsfeed, and after that, it might be difficult to get back on track. After watching a couple of videos, chatting with friends, laughing at memes, you will realize that an hour has passed. Therefore, overcoming procrastination begins with you refusing to go online on various social media platforms.