The ultimate guide to learning Object Oriented PHP and MySQL with PDO from scratch and building a 2:1 matrix Peer to Peer(P2P) Donation System in PHP and MySQL. We start with the fundamentals of Object Oriented PHP, thereafter we move on to learn the fundamentals of PDO(PHP Data Object), thereafter, we move on to create the course project where we implement all we learnt in previous sections. If you have ever wanted to create a Platform to enable people operate a mutual financial community (a system where people can give and receive help using money as the means of transaction), then this course is for you. This course will show you step by step how to create a platform where users can help one another using money as means of transaction. This is not one of those courses where you are made to write code without fully understanding how things fit together. Every line of code we write to build this web app will be explained in very simple terms, that i can guarantee you. Users of this platform will be able to do the following:
Wether you are completely new to Object Oriented Programming in PHP or you already have some experience using Object Oriented PHP, this course will be greatly beneficial to you. This course assumes that you know atleast a little of HTML and CSS .
This course will give you hands on experience in using Object Oriented PHP, you will learn how to use MySQL with PDO to build any dynamic website. You will also become more proficient in Javascript by creating functions to achieve specific features in the project we will be building in this course. You will become more familiar with Ajax as we will be using it to Sign up and Login a user. Also in this course you will use selected jQuery plugins to achieve functionalities like the Countdown Timer,input fields validation, gritter image for notification and much more.
After completing this course, you will have the fundamental Skills and Technical Know How to build any web application using Object Oriented PHP(OOP), MySQL and PDO.
The project we build in this course can be used as part of your portfolio project to showcase to your potential employers to bid for jobs that require the technical skills covered in this course.