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Become a Neo4j Certified Professional: Practice Exams

2 x 80 Similar Exam Questions with Explained Answers, to Help You Get a FREE Neo4j Professional Certification
Course from Udemy
184 students enrolled
Learn about tricks and gotcha questions from the real Neo4j Professional Certification exam.
Fast track to a free IT certification for your professional resume and career.
Unlike the actual exam, get the right answers and detailed explanations to similar questions.
Live practice with time-controlled tests, with 80 questions each, similar to the real exam.
Get closer to the 80% exam passing score, with explained answers to 160 similar questions.
Each practice exam is within a 60 minutes duration, emulating the real online exam.

TWO complete high-quality practice tests of 80 questions each in one hour will help you become a Neo4j Certified Professional, passing the FREE Neo4j online certification exam with a high score:

  • All questions are closely emulated from those currently found in the actual exam, so you'll not waste time on anything else.

  • Unlike the real exam, you'll know right away what questions you missed, and what the correct answers are.

  • Detailed explanations with external references for any possible choice, in each practice test question.

  • Quiz types distributed close to 50% multi-choice + 25% multi-select + 25% True/False.

  • Domains distributed close to the real exam: 40% Cypher + 30% Intro + 20% Modeling + 10% Developer.

  • Questions will test you on Neo4j version 4.x, but explanations will have updates on deprecated features and change history.

Why not just trying again and again the free online exam, until I pass?

  • Because starting May 2020, you can try only once a day the real online exam.

  • Because the high number of multi-answer questions and the gotcha tricks may give you no idea what went wrong.

  • Because it is time consuming and you can easily get stuck at the same low scoring mark.

  • Because nothing tells you where and what you failed, and next time you will likely make the same wrong choices.

  • Because you can hardly improve without knowing what went wrong.

  • Because you may want to get a better passing score anyway, as long as it appears on your issued certificate.

How should I use these tests?

  1. Try first practice test. And do not worry about the time or if you fail. You are expected to fail, this is how you learn...

  2. Stop the exam anytime, if you're not patient enough to go over all 80 questions.

  3. Once done, you get your total score, and per domain. These are the same domains used in the actual exam.

  4. Click Review Questions and scroll down to both the right and wrong choices for each individual question (remember these!).

  5. Read the detailed Explanation for each question. This is something else you don't have at the actual exam...

  6. Repeat with the second practice test. Don't skip it, as both these tests together cover most  types of actual exam questions.

  7. Repeat these tests again and again, until you score at least 90% on each. And then go for the real deal. Good luck!

"Neo4j Certified Professional: Exam Practice Tests" is also available as a paperback or Kindle book, on Amazon.

$ 19.99
per course
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