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Introduction to Counselling and Psychotheraphy

Introduction to Counselling and Psychotheraphy
Course from BitDegree
0 students enrolled
What is Psychotherapy
Why Psychotherapy
Carl Jung’s Psychodynamics
Areas Affecting Psychodynamics
Traits of a Good Psychotherapist/Counsellor

‘Psychotherapy’ is an interpersonal, relational intervention by trained counsellors, therapists, psychotherapists to help in life problems including personal as well as professional fronts and all walks of life.  It can be conducted with an individual, a couple, a family, or a group of unrelated members who share common problems.  Some psychotherapies focus on understanding impact of past experiences and upbringing on present behavior, conscious mind as well as unconscious mind, others focus on changing current behavior patterns while others focus on overcoming shortcomings and solving problems.

All human predicaments are a result of complex interplay between factual situational factors and subjective subconscious-level cognitions, perceptions, beliefs, distorted thinking that are based on the individual’s past experiences and upbringing. This strategy is a modern take on the cognitive behavioral therapies. This strategy tries to change the psychological mindset of a patient’s internal or subconscious experience. So, in this strategy the therapist takes a diffusional approach to the patient’s poor beliefs rather them. This helps the patient find his beliefs. The therapist asks the patient to repeat certain assertions of painful phrases or words until they are no longer attached to disturbing or overwhelming memories and become just sounds.

Various forms of hypnosis may be adapted to be used in psychotherapy by therapists. In fact, hypnosis has been found to be one of the most successful strategies for pain control and to overcome obsessive or less desirable habits. It helps the therapist uncover easily what lies at the subconscious level of the patient’s mind. Many times, it helps to deliver speedy results especially in cases where the patient is unwilling to seek help from the therapist and is not responding to the sessions very well. 

This strategy has been evolved from various disciplines of psychology. There are various methods of therapy that are used in this strategy such as expressive writing, role playing, philosophical questioning, dramatization, and guided imagery.

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