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How to translate a website

Learn how to create a multilingual website from start to finish with Weglot
Course from Udemy
 1843 students enrolled
How to quickly set up a multilingual website
How to set up translated webpages in a way that's optimized for visitors and search engines
How to use Weglot

Translate your website to reach new audiences and get more traffic the easy way.

Through this free course, learn about Weglot, my recommended web translation solution for most websites, and how to best set it up for optimal user experience and international SEO.

We'll go over things like the pros and cons of Weglot, how to install the software, different settings within the dashboard, the recommended translation flow, and finally, how to launch your newly translated website.

In this tutorial, I use Weglot through its WordPress plugin. However, if you're not using WordPress, the dashboard for your CMS - whether you use Shopify, Ghost, or Webflow - should be very similar to mine. Also, the Weglot dashboard is exactly the same, so you'll still be able to follow along.

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