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How to make a DIY Soap Mold on a budget.

Make a custom size, plastic or wooden soap mold on a budget
Course from Udemy
 470 students enrolled
How to make a plastic soap mold as well as a wooden soap mold.

When you embark upon a new craft, it is always advisable to buy as little equipment as possible or to wait until you are sure what your personal needs are to obtain a specific desired outcome. Most of us have a limited budget or are tight on working and storage space,  unused molds are a waste of money and can take up a lot of space as well.

In this short course, you will learn how to make and line a custom size Plastic soap mold as well as a custom size wooded mold, to help you in your soaping journey.

The instructions are detailed and in real-time to ensure that you can be successful in making a functional mold without any previous woodworking experience.

The tools needed are only a handful, for the plastic mold it is a craft knife, pen, and a ruler. For the wooden mold, you will need a Drill, two drill bits, a screwdriver, and a pen, even if you will have to buy a drill, it will probably cost you less than a premade wooden soap mold, and the upside is that you can use it for multiple molds and other projects, It’s an investment that will save you a lot of money.

How to make a DIY Soap Mold on a budget.
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