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How to Code a Website: Learn HTML and CSS

Learn web designing and how to code a website using HTML and CSS with provided examples.
Course from BitDegree
 9 students enrolled
Learn to create/design web pages
Learn to Design Web Pages
Learn to Customize Web Pages

In today’s fast-moving world, we face the need to learn new digitalized knowledge. If you want to have perspective skills, one of the ways is to learn how to code. Maybe you want to start a new career, or maybe you want to take your current career to the whole new level? Do you want to learn how to code a website? If one of those scenarios represent your current situation, you are going in the right direction. In this tutorial, you will learn how to code a website. Moreover, you will acquire new programming skills that will be very beneficial for you and your career.

Learn Web design

Do you want to become a web designer? Are you looking for the best course to help you become one? Maybe you just want to do it for yourself? If any of those questions you answered yes, I can help you. In this coding for dummies tutorial, you will learn how to code a website from scratch. In the process, you will learn HTML and CSS basics. They are the most crucial programming languages for web development. Trust me.

In this course, you will learn Web designing from the very beginning. Starting with HTML basics - fundamental features and details, what it is and how it works, how to download and install the editor. Later, you will move on to CSS, you will go through what it is, how it works and, of course, its major functions that are used in web designing.

Why this course?

With this course, you will learn everything you need to know about how to create a website. If you are a beginner, it is great, you will learn everything from scratch. But as soon as you will understand every concept for beginners, you will move on to more advanced features and CSS usage. What is more, you will get lots of practice and examples that will make your learning process so much easier and advantageous. Who wouldn't want that?

Let me quickly go through the outline of this course. You will start with HTML basics, what it is, how to download and install the text editor, then what is makeup language, what tags are and how they are used, and, finally, you will move on to lists, images, and anchors. After you will acquire this information, you will get to CSS, what it is, how to use properties and values in CSS. Then, how to write CSS and HTML code in editor, backgrounds, fonts, style, padding, merging… and so much more. Take the course and you will see it yourself.

Therefore, if you are a complete beginner and you need to start with coding for dummies, then this is a great place to start. You will acquire not one but much more new skills that will take your career to the next level. Not only you will learn HTML and CSS but after this course, you will already know how to code a website.

How to Code a Website: Learn HTML and CSS
$ 9.99
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