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How To Buy The Right iPad

How To Pick the Right iPad For Personal or Business Use
Course from Udemy
 36 students enrolled
By the end of the course, you should have an idea which model best meets your needs, how much storage to purchase and whether or not you need the Wi-Fi only or Wi-FI + Cellular version of the iPad.
You will have some ideas of how you can use an iPad for health and fitness, music, videography, drawing, conferencing and so much more.
You will have viewed some accessories and add-ons that you may want to consider purchasing.
You will discover some tips and resources for how to get a deal on an iPad.
You will get some advice on warranties and engraving options for your iPad.

If you have ever thought about purchasing an iPad but not sure whether you should get the full size version or the iPad mini, how much storage to get and what do you lose out on with the wi-fi only model, then this course is for you. Not only will you understand the differences between the models, besides the obvious of size, but what pitfalls to avoid so you won't have buyers regret with your iPad.

You'll learn that the iPad is not a giant iPhone and stands on its own in the marketplace. While it's true that you can read email and books, surf the internet and create documents and watch movies on iPad, this course aims to show you those things and beyond. Let's be honest, for the price tag of an iPad, we expect that it can do more than the average tablet. I'll show you how artists and musicians use it to create wonderful artistry. How it's being used in sports, health and fitness and so much more. If you think you need to an adult, you will learn how kids and young adults are using it in education and of course, I'll show you some fun things to do with your iPad too.

So, don't hesitate? Sign-up now and learn How-to Buy the Right iPad for you and get a good deal in the process.

How To Buy The Right iPad
$ 19.99
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