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Excel Magic 4: Ultimate API Reporting in Excel

Instant error-free formula-free reporting that connects to the Financial System through Excel add-in.
Course from Udemy
3 students enrolled
Intermediate to Advanced Excel skills that will help you
- to ace your Excel skills,
- to make yourself the go-to-person in their office, or
- to be well positioned for your next promotion!

The course is presented in four parts.

First, the course first reviews the 4 reporting methods introduced in an earlier course. They include:

o Reporting on screenshots

o Reporting on extracted “report” from the system

o Reporting on extracted “data” from the system

o Reporting using API connect to the system

Next, the course furthers the idea of API reporting in Excel and demonstrates all 4 methodologies by using one state-of-the-art cloud planning software. They include:

o HTML report

o Extracted Excel report

o Attached Excel report

o Excel Interface for Planning Add-in, and

Last, we illustrate the top seven (7) features of Excel API Add-in in generating low-maintenance fully-automated financial reports. They include:

o Easy Conversion

o Fully integrated

o Instant Update

o Robustness

$ 94.99
per course
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