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Excel for Quality Control Engineer

Excel for Quality Control Engineer
Course from Udemy
 182 students enrolled
At the end of my course, students will be able to prevent, analyze, and solve the problems with their work using the basic tools of quality control.

Understand the power of Excel in 1 hour!

Quality control (QC) is the process of maintaining the standard in the manufacturing environment.  Using Excel, you will be able to control the quality of your work, and optimize your analyzing skill to solve the problem right to the spot!

In this course, you will learn the basic tools of quality control and how to create them in Excel. If a single data is a dot, using a visual tool is like drawing a line to connect those dots and see the whole frame of the picture.  At the end of the course, you will be able to:

1.  "Predict" what has happened, what is happening, and what will happen in the future.

2.  "Analyze" what is the biggest cause of the problem.  Knowing which one to tackle first.

3.  "Solve" the problems with unbiased judgment.  Being able to pinpoint the problem to a single factor; whether the root cause is from man, machine, or material.

I am going to teach you everything I know about the topic; all the secrets and techniques that I have learned during my long year of academic and engineering work.  You will save a lot of time in your life by not having to go through the hard way of learning that I used to do.  I am certain that you will learn very useful thing from this course and easily apply it with your work right away.  

I will answer any question that you may have.  Please feel free to do so, and I will help you with the best of my ability.

Excel for Quality Control Engineer
$ 19.99
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