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The ESL Teaching Cheat Codes

How accidentally finding the “teaching cheat codes” helped me save my job and be THE #1 TEACHER in my workplace..
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 538 students enrolled
know the 6 most important classroom management keys
address individual student needs
know the most common behaviour problems and how to deal with them
be able know how, when and how much to correct students' errors
know how to teach different ESL learning styles
help students with time management
keep their students motivated
build a learning community in 6 easy steps
deal with overly competitive colleagues and build relations
become a better teacher by evaluating and improving their teaching skills

They laughed when I was on the brink of getting fired.. BUT when they saw me with that GOLD TROPHY in hand just 6.5 months after..

How accidentally finding the “teaching cheat codes” helped me save my job and be THE #1 TEACHER in my workplace.. GLOBALLY.

Dear frustrated ESL teacher,

I know that getting students to be SWITCHED ON in your class is more difficult than everyone else thinks.

I know that the people that matter take you for granted.

That they expect a lot from you.

I’m not one of them.

Simply because I know what it’s like to feel defeated…

... to feel that others turn the hard work that you do into an unappreciated pile of garbage.

Simply because I was in your EXACT SAME SHOES a short time ago.

And I hated it.

There were moments when I wanted to scream in frustration and give up on it all.

There were moments when it didn’t seem worth it.

So if you’re in that situation and can’t seem to find the light at the end of the tunnel, you’re NOT ALONE.

At the same time, here is ANOTHER TRUTHFUL YET SIMPLE IDEA for you.

A thought that can change your life, if you’re only willing to consider it.

In a moment, I’ll tell you all about the “teaching cheat codes” that I came across and that can change YOUR LIFE like they did mine.

BUT before I do, I want to share the biggest secret that I know…


To be perfectly honest, that is amazing news.

It’s amazing because it means that no matter where you are right now when it comes to teaching, there is INDEED a light at the end of the tunnel..

...and if you continue reading, I promise that you will arrive at the end of this proverbial tunnel faster than you ever thought possible.

Before I continue, I want to tell you a quick story about Michael.

Michael had only been a teacher for a few months. He didn’t have much experience. Life was pretty damn horrible when it came to his teaching career.

See, Michael spent hours upon hours preparing lessons which he HOPED students would find interesting.

He would take the time to research all the material.

He would spend hours thinking about how to engage his students.

He would then spend the next few hours thinking about how to activate the teaching he’d impart.

AND THEN.. in class… it would all blow up in his face.

Students would be demotivated from the first moment he entered the classroom till it was time for him to run away from it.

And haven’t we all been in that place? Spending hours upon hours thinking of the perfect lesson, yet having it all explode in our face like fireworks on the 4th of July?

Back to Michael… Michael found out about the “teaching cheat codes” that I want to share with you.

After a few weeks of using these “cheat codes”, Michael sent me a message and said:

“This has been a surreal experience. Going from strength to strength now that I’m making use of your “cheat codes” is still a very positive surprise every day. Consider that things were really not looking good for me a few weeks ago, this is a great system for any teacher who wants to either go to the next level or save their career!”

Imagine, just for a quick second, that you could be like MIchael.

That you could take these “cheat codes”, implement them in your class and start getting students to listen to what you were saying.

Not only that, but they would want MORE AND MORE lessons from you.

Even more, it starts to seem as if they can’t get enough of you.

Soon enough, everyone starts realizing what an amazing teacher you have become in a short amount of time and other teachers start coming to you for advice.

A few teachers will also be jealous of your rapid development.

This is all possible when you learn about the “cheat codes” that I’m about to share with you very soon… BUT ONLY if you’re ready to take your teaching to the next level.

Before we continue, I just wanted to give you a brief introduction about me and why you should EVEN listen to a word that I’m saying.

This is a SECRET that I have NEVER told anyone before...

I can still remember it clear as day in my mind. It seems as if it were yesterday..

My director of studies called me into her office. She was usually a sweet lady who had been nothing but supportive until that point.


She asked me to close the door behind me..

.. in the coldest tone ever.

In that moment, I knew that something was REALLY WRONG.

I sheepishly sat down on the chair in front of her, waiting in silence to hear what she had to say.

The seconds seemed to turn into hours and I could literally feel the tension in the room.


When she finally opened her mouth, her first few words shocked me.

She muttered, “Kevin, you are about to get fired..”

I tried saying something back but no words came out.

So she continued.. Laying it all out on me.

She expressed her disappointment in the way that my teaching never really got going after I had been trained by the company.

In fact, I was the lowest rated teacher that had ever had - students had been complaining about me. They were dropping like flies after each lesson, going straight to management to express their desire to change teacher.

And this had happened over and over..

And because of this, I was going to get fired.

Somehow I managed to string together a few words and I begged her to give me another chance.

I told her I would find a way to turn it around.

I know that I didn’t believe what I was saying.. I was still processing the news that she had given me.

I walked out of her office, tail between my legs.

On the way out, I felt all the eyes looking at me.

Everyone seemed to know what had happened.

I felt like I was a car without tyres - trying to get away but just STUCK in the same place.

When I finally managed to get away, I couldn’t contain myself anymore.

Tears were pouring uncontrollably out of my eyes.


I promised myself that I would find a way to turn this around and that if I didn’t manage to do it in 6 weeks, I would find something else to do in life.


I was DESPERATE and full of self-pity.

But I’ve always been a resourceful person and I knew that this would be no exception.

So I got to work - I studied and worked hard on my teaching.

I studied and worked hard on my speaking skills.

I was on a mission to PROVE THEM ALL WRONG.

Results didn’t come immediately but I didn’t give up.

I read tons of ideas, some even contrasting.

I made a lot of notes and I tested them out. Some worked, some didn’t.

Slowly but surely I started to see patterns and I did more of the good stuff and removed more of the bad stuff.

I was getting ahead but I wasn’t getting ahead as quickly as I wanted to.

There had to be something else that I could do but I just couldn’t figure out what was the missing link.


Around that time, I managed to make friends (BY SHEER LUCK) with a veteran in the industry.

For some reason which I later discovered, this guy (let’s call him Mr. X) took pity on me and my situation - maybe because he saw that I REALLY WANTED to be the best at what I did.

The top 10% of all teachers in the country knew something that the others didn’t… something that made them special.

… and these 10% had Mr. X on their speed-dial.

Anyway, back to Mr. X - he saw my situation and decided to share his secrets.

These were secrets that made HAD MADE HIM a great teacher and an amazing trainer.

He called these secrets “the teaching cheat codes”.

And before he gave me these “cheat codes”, Mr. X made me swear that I would take this seriously and that I’d use his codes as if my life depended on it.

And to be honest, it did depend on it.

I used these cheat codes in every SINGLE lesson.

I didn’t try to change anything - I followed them from A to Z.

And it was like going from NIGHT TO DAY; from darkness into the light.

My teaching did a 180 degree turn.

And since you’re still reading, I want to share with you the same gift I received.

You might be asking why I would want to do that - I’ll get to that in a few short minutes.

However, before I do, I want to tell you that even since I started using these “cheat codes”, I was named the #1 teacher in my company globally (I work in an international company) due to the scores that I get from my students.

I also get colleagues who come to me whenever they need any advice about how to make their lessons more effective.

More importantly, I get recognition from students, colleagues and management alike because they see how important and integral I am to their team.

I got to travel to different places and teach students of all ages, nationalities and cultures.

And they ARE engaged EVERY SINGLE TIME.

After I started using Mr. X’s “teaching cheat codes”, I had MANY PROUD MOMENTS.

BUT… My proudest moment came around 6.5 months after I had that cold, harsh conversation with my director of studies…

..when I was given a GOLDEN TROPHY as a result of the highest ratings that I had gotten for the last few months before that.

I had silenced the people who hadn’t believed in ME - and who doesn’t want to turn the critics around?

It was the moment that showed me that I could be the teacher that I’d always wanted to be.

And that I was making a difference in my students’ lives.

And I want the same for you.

I want to give you these “cheat codes” to use in your DAILY TEACHING so they can transform your life as they did mine.

I know that you deserve to be appreciated for all the hard work that you do and this will allow you to do so.


If you’re happy being an average teacher who just wants a paycheck, then this is not for you.

If you’re out there just wanting to get into class and out of it as quickly as possible without IMPACTING any of your STUDENTS’ LIVES, then THIS IS NOT FOR YOU.

However if you’re a genuine teacher who wants to change your students’ lives for the better, who wants to be appreciated now and for many years down the line because you helped shape students’ lives, please READ ON.

I must also warn you that I might not be able to keep these “cheat codes” online for much longer.

If a lot of people get their hands on them, they will become saturated and lose all their potential.. THAT WOULD BE AN ABSOLUTE PITY..

..And that is not something that I will let happen on my watch.

So, you might be asking...

“Kevin, why are you sharing your “teaching cheat codes” with me?”

You see, Mr. X, in one of our very last conversations told me, “Kevin, you now have great wisdom. It is your duty to share it with the right people who will use it to better the lives of other people”.

And I really believe that - I believe that sharing these “cheat codes” with you, the teacher that loves your profession is the right thing to do.

This is what I want to avoid - teachers who stop IMPACTING the lives of their students.

Now, I want to share with you the three secrets that I learned when it comes to these “cheat codes”. These are secrets that took me years to figure out…

.. but when I did, things started to make sense OVERNIGHT, AS IF BY MAGIC..


These “cheat codes” are something that no one is speaking about.. You probably haven’t heard about them in any of these courses you might have gone through

Yes, that is absolutely true.

I also tried those other courses.

I even implemented them in the classroom as I was teaching.

And I’ve already explained where they got me - NOWHERE.

In fact, my teaching went backwards when I implemented these IDEAS THAT DIDN’T WORK.

So I’m EXCITED that this is different.

In a sick, twisted way, I’m happy that I had to go through all the turmoils.

Because like this, I can bring the best quality information directly to you…

..without you having to go through THE ANGUISH and FRUSTRATIONS that I went through.

With these “teaching cheat codes”, you can skip directly to ‘fun land’ and focus on helping as many students as you can without any negatives.

“By using the ‘teaching cheat codes’, I can now focus on delivering great lessons that will improve my students’ lives”

As you can see, Elina loves her students because she knows she is making a great impact on their lives.

Wouldn’t it be great if you got the same, exact results when you implement the simple “teaching cheat codes” I’m about to share with you?

I want all your students to SING YOUR PRAISES.

Secret #2: You don’t have to be a ‘big presence’ in the class in order for the “teaching cheat codes” to work for you.

We all know that some teachers are introverted whilst others are loud.

No matter which category you fall in, these “teaching cheat codes” can work for you.. If you let them.

I don’t even want to speak about the stress that teachers feel when teaching because they’re trying to be someone they are not.

With the “teaching cheat codes”, you will kiss stress goodbye as you’ll know exactly what to do, every step of the way.

As long as you can follow simple instructions and are open to implementing them, these will work for you.

In fact, how loud you are has REALLY no impact on how successful you can be as a teacher.

Again, to rephrase, no matter what your character type, this will work for you if you are open minded to learning and more importantly implementing what you will learn.

Secret #3: Teaching Experience DOES NOT MATTER - when you have these “teaching cheat codes”.

Similar to the second secret, it doesn’t matter how many teaching years you’ve have.

In fact, sometimes, more experience can be BAD for you - simply because you need an open mind to learn about these simple “teaching cheat codes” and to implement them.

That is literally all that’s needed for you to succeed.

That is literally all that’s needed for you to become the best teacher possible.

Look at what Sandy, who got her teaching certificate a few months ago (she had never taught anyone in her life before) had to say about these “teaching cheat codes”:

“I used to be nervous in the classroom - not knowing what to say or do in the moment - that all changed when I came across the ‘teaching cheat codes’ based on a coworker’s recommendation.”

No matter how much experience you have..

.. these “teaching cheat codes” will work for you if you are open minded and willing to try something PROVEN-TO-WORK ideas.

So what are these “teaching cheat codes”?

These are the secrets that the professionals (a.k.a the #1 teachers) all use in their English classroom.

These are the secrets that can turn a class of ‘dead’ students into an active one, a class where students enjoy each and every minute of your teaching..

..and even stay on after the lesson to ask you questions.


In fact, in the very near future, you might need to warn students that you’ll need to ‘run away’ as soon as the lesson time finishes..

..and even then, you might still sometimes have problems getting away.

That is the power of the “teaching cheat codes” when implemented properly.

So how much do these “teaching cheat codes” cost?

You and I both know that having a class of non-responsive students sucks the life out of you.

When getting an answer from these students requires the same, heavy effort as getting water out of a dry stone, life is not pleasant.

And an unpleasant life is not something that a teacher like you wants, right?

As such, many serious, professional teachers have realized that the price that you’re seeing right now on this page is a STEAL compared to the joy that will be filling your life…

..as soon as you start implementing these “teaching cheat codes” in the English classroom.

And you know what the best part is?

If you learn about these “teaching cheat codes”, implement in the classroom with your students and realize that, for some strange reason, they are not beneficial, you are covered for 30 days by our no-questions-asked money back guarantee.

That means that you can try these “teaching cheat codes” for free for the next 30 days…

..and we will only take your money if you are truly satisfied with what the results you’re getting.

You now have a choice in front of you:

Choice 1: you can do nothing and keep getting the results that you’ve always gotten. If you have been called the ‘best teacher ever’, constantly get compliments from your students about how much they love your lessons and get total respect from colleagues and administration, then feel free to do nothing.

Choice 2: You try out these “teaching cheat codes” risk free and see the new results. You decide if these “teaching cheat codes” are right for you and how far they can skyrocket your teaching. You implement them and start seeing the look of joy your students have in their eyes each time you enter the classroom. You see how your students are happy when you give grammar explanations. You see how excited they are to correct the homework you gave them. You get praise from your coworkers and administration. You keep improving as a teacher and a human being.

As a result of this, you will notice a new sense of self respect that extends beyond the classroom walls.

We all know that being open to improvements and bettering yourself is the mark of a great teacher.

We also know that the people that get stuck in a rut with no changes in their lives are the ‘dinasours’ of the present day - they will face extinction sooner or later.

Being an action taker is the mark of a great teacher.

The choice is now in your hands.

If you’re ready to take your teaching to the next level, hit the BUY NOW button and I look forward to seeing you on the inside.. BUT ONLY if you’re ready to really improve your teaching.


P.S. As mentioned, I’m not sure how much longer I can keep this online - I don’t want the secrets shared in the “teaching cheat codes” to be available to non-serious teachers who will ruin it for us.

Their power lies in not being well-known so I might take down this page at any minute without warning.

If you’re serious about being a great teacher who gets recognized for it, this is your one chance to do something about it.

Hit the BUY NOW button now.

I look forward to hearing your results when you implement these “teaching cheat codes”.

The ESL Teaching Cheat Codes
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