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Cert. Mgmt. Acc. On the Go-Exam #1-500 MC practice questions

Practice these MCQ's that are always tested on CMA exams - many 10-15 minutes quizzes & assignments on your mobile
Course from Udemy
 1026 students enrolled
Get a passing mark on the multiple chose questions in part 1 of the CMA exam
Qualify for the essay questions of the Part 1 CMA exam
Become a Certified Management Accountant
Add a Professional Accounting Designation to your resume.

Dear CMA Candidate

This course is for you and not the general public. You are on a journey to become a Certified Management Accountant. You have made  a good decision to do so but it will be an arduous journey. I did the same as you over forty years ago and the CMA designation opened many career doors for me and it will do the same for you.

There are hundreds of learning outcomes that the IMA publishes that could be tested on the  Part 1 exam. I have turned these learning outcomes into questions that past (successful) CMA candidates have researched the answers to. Their answers are provided but I recommend that you research the answers yourself as that will help you in mastering the content.

I have over five hundred multiple choice questions with answers and analysis at Level A, B and C. You can practice answering these questions in a number of 10 minute quizzes or 13 minute assignments..Look for quizzes and assignment in each module of this course. Also, there are two mock exams to practice.

This course is a comprehensive study program to help you pass the Certified Management Accountants exam. It begins by first understanding how a professional organization such as the Institute of Management Accountants of America sets and marks the exams that lead to the professional designation as a Certified Management Accountant, The exams are offered three times a year - January, June and September.

I will be continually adding material to help you master the content.

Dr John

Cert. Mgmt. Acc. On the Go-Exam #1-500 MC practice questions
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