4.5  44 reviews on Udemy

Resolve Conflict In 4 Easy Steps With The CALM Dialogue

Conflict Resolution Made Easy
Course from Udemy
 353 students enrolled
Individuals enrolled in this class will learn a quick and easy conflict resolution technique.
Students will also learn effective communication skills.

Now you can learn how to easily resolve conflict with this valuable resource. This course is suitable for people of all backgrounds and ages. Let's face it, conflict is inevitable in any social setting. Therefore, everyone should be aware that conflict exists and be prepared to deal with it.

The 4-step CALM Dialogue process is outlined in this course. Through this step-by-step method, anyone can quickly learn to resolve conflict. Additionally, the material in this class will also teach individuals about effective listening, perception, separating the individual from the issue, win/win outcomes, self-awareness, self-regulation, self-determination, and a 2-minute breathing exercise. This course is the ideal tool to help individuals learn how to handle conflict in a fast and effective way.

Resolve Conflict In 4 Easy Steps With The CALM Dialogue
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