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Blazor examples course

Three Blazor examples
Course from BitDegree
 0 students enrolled
Understand best practices of Blazor

In this course you will see three different Blazor examples, it will be relatively slow paced and you will find some useful advice along the way. The first example will show you how to establish a simple privacy policy consent arrangement. In the second one, you will see a real-world country picker Blazor library. Finally, you will see how product list submission is implemented and with that how lots of time can be saved. Throughout this experience, you will see some good practicies of using Blazor, you will get some advice on certain tricky parts of Blazor and you will be able to see how some more unusual arrangements work on Blazor.


Your instructor is a true expert on Blazor - having started using it from the earliest days, he knows what is important, what we need to focus on and what we should avoid. 


privacy policy consent - this is a simple floating box, that appears in the bottom of the page. Although there are many already existing solutions, most of them will require JavaScript integrations. This example shows how simple and quick it is to do something with Blazor that would not be with JavaScript.


Country picker - this is a real Blazor library, published via Nuget. It allows users to enter and select the country from provided suggestions. You will see how Blazor libraries are implemented, how they are published to Nuget and in the code you will see how well Linq can work on Blazor.


Product submission - this is a very basic example which allows the user to enter products into a list. The goal here is to explore how Blazor components can be utilized to create dynamic list and then how models can make it easy to transfer data from client to server (API).


Source code is included.

Blazor examples course
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