4.5  19 reviews on Coursera

Biases and Portfolio Selection

Investors tend to be their own worst enemies. In this third course, you will learn how to capitalize on understanding behavioral biases and irrational behavior in financial markets.
Course from Coursera
 6361 students enrolled
Efficient markets hypothesis and limits of arbitrage
Biases and realistic preferences
Inefficient markets
Applications: Investor behavior

Investors tend to be their own worst enemies. In this third course, you will learn how to capitalize on understanding behavioral biases and irrational behavior in financial markets. You will start by learning about the various behavioral biases – mistakes that investors make and understand their reasons. You will learn how to recognize your own mistakes as well as others’ and understand how these mistakes can affect investment decisions and financial markets. You will also explore how different preferences and investment horizons impact the optimal asset allocation choice.

Biases and Portfolio Selection
per course
Shareable Certificate
100% online
Course 3 of 5 in the
Flexible deadlines
Approx. 17 hours to complete
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