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Doctor of Natural Medicine

This course is a mini encyclopedia in natural medicine field
Course from Udemy
 1116 students enrolled
After finishing this course, students will have a good knowledge a bout the most common Diseases, Disorders and there definition, causes, symptoms and there natural Remedies, learn how to treat diseases using herbs and supplements

This is a comprehensive course that will give you a good knowledge about a lots of diseases, disorders and there natural treatment, so i will define each disorder and disease and after that i will mention the sign and symptoms and the causative factors and there natural treatment. so this course is really valuable and effective for people who works in the medical field such as Doctors, Nurses and pharmacist, or for  people who are interested to become a Naturopath or Doctors of alternative and complementary medicine, also the course material is available as a book that you can download for free,  (Note: please give a careful consideration to the nature of your particular health problem. consult a physician if you are in any doubt,or if you are taken medication or drugs, because some these remedies my conflict with the drugs). 

Doctor of Natural Medicine
$ 84.99
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