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Advanced Spring Boot

Create advanced real-world projects with Spring Boot efficiently
Course from Udemy
112 students enrolled
Spring WebMVC customizations
Distributed spring security sessions
Advanced Spring WebMVC testing
Business related metrics and monitoring

In this course, you are going to learn more about WebMVCs configuration, Jackson Views, and other advanced features. In the course, Spring Boot – Getting Started, you have learned the basic knowledge to create an application with spring boot. This course will build on that and extend it even further. We are also going to dive deeper into Spring security and store users in the database, use distributed sessions, and our own user classes. You’ll learn how to test Spring WebMVC applications and how to include your Spring security configuration in your tests.

We are also having a look at Spring Data which we have only covered briefly in the database section before. AOP allows you to effectively tackle the famous cross-cutting concerns, so we are having a look at Spring support for AOP. As last section we are adopting Spring boot Actuator to our needs by adding our own metrics and health checks and revisit the Actuator configuration.

After completing this course you will be able to use the advanced Spring Boot features to deliver more complex, feature rich, and operations-friendly applications.

About the Author

Patrick Cornelissen is a software developer at heart and the founder and CEO of the Orchit GmbH. He has written a number of applications in various languages and platforms and is specialized in microservice-based applications and the transition of monolithic applications into microservices. He is using the Spring Framework since 2009 and is a big fan ever since. After his family, Software craftsmanship is one of his passions that he is pursuing whenever he has spare time. For this, he has organized for example code retreats and open space conferences in the past. He likes to learn as much as to teach new things in the filed of (agile) software development.

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