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Ethical Hacking for Mobile Phones, Facebook & Social Media!

Complete Guide to systems, phones and Facebook hacking with Kali Linux, using client exploitation techniques.
Course from Udemy
 31728 students enrolled
Step by step instructions for installation of VirtualBox and creating your virtual environment on Windows
Stealing social networking sites (facebook,twitter) user password via automated phishing attack.
Hacking users browser remotely for key-logging , machine compromise and other attacks.
Hacking user machine via word and excel documents
Hacking victims phone and backdooring android apps for fun and profit
Defending from all the above mentioned attacks

You will get to see screen capture live tutorials showing you everything you need to do to get started with ethical hacking and penetration testing including information about all of the topics below!

Learn the techniques employed by security enthusiasts to break into user's Social media accounts, phones or machines using client side exploitation techniques. We will cover leveraging client side application functionalities or loopholes to achieve the hack and how to defend against such attacks

You will also understand how to be both creative and careful when crafting your social engineering attacks.

The course covers variety of topics ranging from hacking facebook user accounts using phishing techniques and how to defend against them. It extends to exploiting phones, systems and learning how to defend from such attacks which comprise the client side exploitation domain. 

Here is what we will cover:

  • Phishing (Social network accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
  • Browser attacks
  • Macro based client side hack
  • Android Phone hacking
  • Defend against all client side attacks

Don't delay. Take this course now to get your learning started fast as an IT security professional online!

Ethical Hacking for Mobile Phones, Facebook & Social Media!
$ 59.99
per course
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