7 Top Instagram Filters with step by step tutorials are waiting for you!
This Spark AR Studio course is created for all levels: it doesn't matter if you are a beginner and have never worked in Spark AR Studio before or you know how to make AR filters. These lessons have something to offer for everyone!
What is inside:
"Getting ready" lecture for beginners
3D lashes, makeup
Sparkling textures
Lightroom presets to AR filters
Person segmentation
Border around the user
3D objects
Quiz filters
Fixed Target Tracker
... and more!
+ Spark AR TIPs lecture which helps to speed up your workflow!
The course is a practical, step-by-step video tutorial on how to work in Spark AR. We will be creating 7 amazing AR filters so that you can use the tools for your own projects.
Are you ready? All hands on deck, we are starting right now!