If you have been walking this life for any length of time, you are well acquainted with what we call storms. Storms are those times when everything seems to be in turmoil and out of our immediate control.
I have been hearing a lot lately about people who are going through something. Much is happening in the world today. We are finding people who are faced with situations that they have never dealt with before. People are troubled about the economy and how they are going to keep up with the basic necessities in life. People are losing loved ones at what seems to be an alarming rate.
Hearing these things from friends, associates and family caused me to even reflect on past situations. August 10–15th of 2008 was a devastating period in my own life. I lost my ex-husband (we were planning to reunite) and an aunt on the 10th; an uncle on the 12th and my mom passed after midnight on the 14th though her death certificate says she died on the 15th of August 2008.
I have been thinking about how I felt during that time. It was like being in a whirlwind or a storm. I want to share how God brought me through that time and I want to share it in a way that gives hope to the people that cross my path. It is my prayer that this will help you. If you are presently in a storm you can glean from the information. If you are just coming into a storm, this can offer you guidance in how you walk out the process you find yourself in at the present time. If you have been through a storm, it is my hope that you can relate and in some way, find yourself. No matter where you are in this process, and even if you do not profess to be a Christian, I believe you can receive something of value.