4.2 16 reviews on Udemy

30 Minute Meetings: Hold Faster Meetings & Boost Efficiency!

How to Hold Fewer, Faster Meetings and Watch Your Productivity Skyrocket
Course from Udemy
1619 students enrolled
Optimize Meetings Using the 30 Minute Meeting System
Increase Your Personal Productivity and Efficiency
Add Valuable Time Back Into Your Work Day
Learn to Quickly Categorize Meetings to Prevent "Rabbit Trails"

The format of the business meeting has remained largely unchanged for decades. It has failed to adapt to changes in technology, networking, and the way that companies operate in the 21st century. The 30 Minute Meeting System (30MM for short) throws out the rulebook on what a meeting has to be, and instead teaches you a whole new mindset to approach meetings within your organization.

Hold fewer weekly meetings, and get more productivity and benefit out of the meetings that you do hold by using the simple, three-step process outlined in the 30 Minute Meeting (30MM) System!

  • Learn why meetings today occupy so much of our time
  • Add valuable time back into your workday
  • Recognize symptoms of a run-on meeting and adapt on the fly
  • Increase your team's productivity within the context of meetings

In this course, you'll learn and master a holistic system to hold any meeting, with any audience, on any topic, in 30 minutes or less!


In this 35 minute course, consisting of 6 academic lectures and one bonus resource lecture, I'll unpack the current state of the business meeting model, and why it doesn't work in our modern fast-paced digital society. I'll show you how to use 30MM to increase productivity in your meetings, and hold fewer of them. These are the tools that I use in my professional life every day, and they have worked for me. They will work for you, as well! This course teaches a radical form of preparation that will fundamentally alter your view of meetings, and add valuable time back into your workday each time it's implemented.

Throughout the course, I'll show you, through varied media including lectures, example documents, and case studies, the benefits and methodology of 30MM. At the end of the course, there's a short quiz to test your understanding of the material. After successfully completing all the modules, you'll be prepared to start holding your own 30MM-style meetings right away!

$ 19.99
per course
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