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27 Practical SQL Queries to solve Business Problems

Hands-on beginner Practical SQL Queries
Course from Udemy
 1097 students enrolled
Build SQL Queries to get all records from a database table
Build SQL Queries to get records from selected columns
Build SQL Queries to perform table Joins to get data from multiple tables
Build SQL Queries using UNION Operator
Build SQL Queries that use Aggregate Functions
Build SQL Queries that will answer Business Questions
Build SQL Queries that includes GROUP BY
Build SQL Queries that includes ORDER BY
Build SQL Queries that uses Aliases
Build SQL Queries that includes SUB-Queries
Build Queries to performs Concatenation
Build Queries that uses Like operator and Wild Characters
Build Queries that uses various Operators

The best way to build up your skills in any area is by practice. This course is a hands-on practical learn by doing course.

SQL ( SQL -Structural Query language ) is one of  the most popular and sort after skills in the IT industry.  SQL Skills is so important especially with big data and data dependent businesses and applications from Facebook  to our local banks.

This course was designed with the beginner in mind.  The course starts by walking you through how to setup a lab where you will download and install Microsoft SQL Server and the sample Northwind database.

In this course we will solve 27 business related problem questions by building SQL queries to interrogate the database and produce the answers to solving the business problems.

We will  use the following while building our queries to solve the business problems :
Retrieve data with SELECT 
Use Aliases 
Use Case Expressions 
Eliminate duplicates
Filter data with equality filters 
Filter data with basic comparisons 
Filter data with string comparisons 
Filter data with logical comparisons 
Filter data with NULL comparisons 
Use order by clause
Sort data by ascending and descending order 
Use Table joins to extract data from multiple tables
Use UNION operator to combine results of two or more SELECT Statements 
Aggregate functions to compute a single output value
GROUP BY Clause to group related data

By the end of this course you will be would have gained enough skills to interrogate  Database.

27 Practical SQL  Queries to solve Business Problems
$ 94.99
per course
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