"Poor sleep, disturbed sleep , I am not happy with my sleep ?" is this YOU. Then this course is meant for you. To IMPROVE your sleep, you need to understand SLEEP, understand the reasons behind poor sleep, get to know common sleep issues, DO's and Don'ts to get good sleep . These are described in this course in a simple language. Follow the tips each week and in 3 weeks - you will DEFINITELY improve your sleep .
Poor sleep is known to result in overall poor health. Can result in obesity, high blood pressure, raised blood sugar, mood changes, depression, impaired concentration, impaired creativity & productivity . There is a strong bi-direcitonal relationship between sleep and mental and emotional health. So the problem should not be ignored---
The course is divided into 3 weeks-- 21 days, as regularly following principles ensures success.
There are lectures, assignments and an self -assessment sheet at the beginning and end of the course. The self assessment at the beginning will enable you to identify the sleep problem, pattern, your habits which interfere with sleep and help you to focus on the points you need to improve to improve your sleep. The same sheet at the end of the course will be a tool to assess the impact of following the tips and outcome of the 21 day challenge.
Theres a sleep diary at the end of each week -- to assist you to focus on certain factors which may be interfering with good sleep .
Please feel free to get in touch if you need any further help , share this with others who might need help.