I'm right there with you my friend. Difficult People Suck!
Let me ask a few questions.
Are you frustrated with difficult people?
Do you find difficult people to be challenging?
Who are some difficult people in your life? Your boss? Coworkers and customers? Your spouse/partner? Your kids?
Do you feel trapped?
Are you losing sleep? (This is a big healthy lifestyle red flag!)
Do you pause for a moment to take a deep breath before you go into work, or a meeting, just to prepare yourself for the onslaught you know you are going to deal with?
Have you ever looked at your paycheck to see if you have enough sick time built up so you just don't have to go into work today? How did you feel when you realized you didn't have enough time built up and you had to go it? Even sicker? I get it.
Again, I'm right there with you my friend.
I have lost entire weekends due to the overwhelming stress caused by that one difficult customer I'm scheduled to meet on Monday morning. So much stress I couldn't leave it behind, even for a few hours, to really enjoy time with my family. Does this sentence sound familiar? “Your here but you are not really here.” I get it.
Difficult people SUCK!
I have screamed at the top of my lungs, in my car, while back fisting the passenger seat headrest to the point I’ve ripped the skin off my knuckles.
I even purchased a new mattress and pillow thinking that it might actually help me sleep through the night. It didn’t work. I still didn’t sleep well and the stress just kept building.
I’ve purchased Melatonin (sleep aid) even when it wasn’t on a Buy One Get One sale. I can also find the bottle of Tylenol PM in complete darkness at 02:00 AM.
I've walked away from jobs, that I've loved, due to a boss being so unreasonably difficult I just couldn't put my job in front of my health any longer. I don’t know if you’ve ever experienced this, but there must be some sort of science that explains why the air instantly seems fresher the moment you choose to walk (or run) away from a toxic situation.
Difficult people are just unhealthy.
I’ve skipped meals because I was too stressed to eat which usually resulted in me hitting a drive-through just because “I just need something.” 40+ pounds later…”Well, this isn’t working for me.” I get it.
Difficult people have caused me to be physically sick. I've felt physical back pain because I was so stressed out and tense knowing that I was going to be dealing with difficult co-workers tomorrow.
Let me ask a couple more questions:
What would it feel like to sleep peacefully throughout the night?
Wouldn't it be great to have a few key strategies that make dealing with difficult people a lot easier?
What would it feel like to have control of the situation?
What would it feel like to be able to leave work behind and enjoy your evening, your weekend, or even your vacation?
What would it feel like to actually “Look forward to work tomorrow”?
What would it feel like to have the power to “Fire” that one difficult customer that takes up so much of your time, your thoughts, and your work?
What if dealing with difficult people actually becomes a fun game you become really good at playing?
Once I began to master these strategies, the air became fresher, my sleep improved, and I became healthier and happier.
By the end of this course, you will have 12 different strategies that will help you better deal with difficult people.
By mastering the strategies and tactics of this course you will be able to:
Improve your safety
Increase your overall level of professionalism
Reduce your stress level
Improve your morale
Decrease the number of complaints you may receive
Lower your personal liability
All of this adds up to a healthier and happier personal and professional life. This could mean greater productivity for you, employees, and fellow co-workers which would likely increase profitability. For example, what would your office be like if everyone just “got along” with one another?
This course is primarily a series of video lectures that outline the strategies. The lectures contain personal stories and real-life examples of how I've used these strategies and tactics in my career in law enforcement, customer service, sales, and life in general.
This course was designed specifically for individuals and employees, who work in a professional environment that is often unpleasant due to difficult co-workers, supervisors, customers and/or clients.
It’s about taking control of the situation instead of being controlled by the situation.
Students from all around the world (over 90 different countries - This just blows me away!) are studying the 12 Strategies and learning how to deal with difficult people.
I’m honored and humbled by those who have reached to me to share their personal success stories using these strategies. It’s heartwarming to know this course is really making a difference for so many people from around the world. Thank You
Please enjoy this course!