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12 step alcohol addiction recovery program for beginners.

How to stop drinking with the 12 steps for a sober life. (These programs can also assist in stopping drug addiction).
Course from Udemy
7 students enrolled
How to find your first 12 step meeting to attend for support
How to find a mentor or sponsor to support you
How to release difficult feelings
What the 12 steps are
Helpful tips to stop drinkling

This course is for you if you would like to use a 12 step addiction recovery program to stop drinking.

In this course I will go over the basics of how to find a 12 step group to stop drinking such as alcoholics annoymous, narcotics annoymous and cocaine annoymous. I will discuss how to get a sponsor or mentor to give you lots of one to one support through the program so you can stop drinking. ( The experience and tools within the 12 step groups can also applied to stopping drug addcition.)

If you feel this basic beginners program is for you, then hit the enrol button. You are covered by the Udemy 30 day money back guarantee.

12 step alcohol addiction recovery program for beginners.
$ 89.99
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