4.8 16 reviews on Udemy

Generate Qualified Leads & Referrals w/ 10 Min Presentations

Build an Amazing Sponsor Presentation and Get Huge Returns from Networking Groups, Chambers, Non-Profits, & Trade Ass'ns
Course from Udemy
91 students enrolled
How to Give a Rockstar Presentation in Your BNI Chapter, Chamber of Commerce, or Other Networking Group
Deliver a 10 minute (or less) presentation that generates leads and referrals
Create a personal, human connection with your target audience
Demonstrate added value in the way you differentiate yourself and your company from your competition
Communicate your brand message in a way your audience naturally buys into
Paint clear pictures of ideal referrals in the minds of your audience
Enroll your audience in your mission and motivate them to pass you leads and referrals
Avoid common mistakes and bad advice when planning the presentation
Captivate your audience's attention from the beginning and hold it throughout your presentation
Followup and continue engagement and conversion after the presentation

$10k in 10 Minutes. I've done it and I've helped others do it as well.

By sponsoring a chamber of commerce luncheon I was able to give a 10 minute presentation about my company and the value I provide to my clients - my "Sponsor Presentation." Using the skills I have learned and taught to others, I was able to generate over $13,000 in referrals from people in the room immediately after the luncheon was over.

In this course, I'm going to teach you the same components and processes I've used to help others build amazing presentations that have helped them generate $10k and more from sponsor presentations at events for chambers, trade associations, and non-profits, as well as their featured presentation at referral groups such as BNI.

Will it make you a better, more confident Public Speaker? Of course. But it is very focused on these types of presentations and intended to help you generate leads and referrals.

$ 84.99
per course
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