Are you in a creative dip? Are you feeling bored with your work, or frustrated with your ideas and efforts at starting something before it fizzles out? Or maybe you’re jealous of all the amazing projects you see other people doing? The big ones, the fun ones, the inspiring ones. It’s in reach. And one of the best ways of achieving it, is by doing a 100 day project—that’s doing something every day for 100 days. It could be small, it could be cheeky, or something incredible—like facing a fear every single day. But often a 100 day project seems long, overwhelming, and tons of people bail—why? Because they don’t do a 100 day project for them—that suits them, that energises them, that fuels them.
This class focuses on coming up with a 100 day project of your own. One that's perfect for you. One that boosts your creativity. One you wake up excited for. The class also helps you prepare for the 100 days.
If you 're stuck, frustrated or not achieving the success and quality of work you're after, come see what a 100 day project is, and how it will fuel a creative renaissance in your life.
Choosing your project that you’ll do for 100 days is where we’ll spend most of our time, but the class also covers often asked questions, some inspirational projects and ideas, and a bunch of hints and tips for starting and completing an awesome 100 day project.
If you want to see creative growth in your work, your career, or your life, come take the course.